Monday, October 20, 2008

She Unnames Them

postmodern worldview, because names or words have no significance.

God & Universe
"You and you father lent me this - gave it to me actully. It's been really useful, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately."
-the father, which is supposed to be God lends.
-the father is not capitalized, non-christian.
Humanity & Identity
"The cats, of course, steadfastly denied ever having had any name other than those self-given."
-names mean nothing, its all personality
-whatever you want to be is what you are, you aren't restrained by your name
Conflict & Suffering
"I could not chatter away as I used to do, taking it all for granted."
-if words have no meaning then life has no meaning because there are no absolutes.
Hope & Redemption
"In fact, I had only just then realized how hard it would have been to explain myself."
-because there is no meaning then what they do with their lives is completely relative.
-they can only find what to do in themselves because there is no God.
Values & Relationships
"I had been prepared to defend my decision"
-you can only look to yourself for purpose in life
-there is no value except what you decide is valuable
Truth & Knowledge
"It's been really useful, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately."
-words have no meaning and people make their own standards.
-you do as you see fit in your own mind.

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