Monday, October 20, 2008

She Unnames Them

postmodern worldview, because names or words have no significance.

God & Universe
"You and you father lent me this - gave it to me actully. It's been really useful, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately."
-the father, which is supposed to be God lends.
-the father is not capitalized, non-christian.
Humanity & Identity
"The cats, of course, steadfastly denied ever having had any name other than those self-given."
-names mean nothing, its all personality
-whatever you want to be is what you are, you aren't restrained by your name
Conflict & Suffering
"I could not chatter away as I used to do, taking it all for granted."
-if words have no meaning then life has no meaning because there are no absolutes.
Hope & Redemption
"In fact, I had only just then realized how hard it would have been to explain myself."
-because there is no meaning then what they do with their lives is completely relative.
-they can only find what to do in themselves because there is no God.
Values & Relationships
"I had been prepared to defend my decision"
-you can only look to yourself for purpose in life
-there is no value except what you decide is valuable
Truth & Knowledge
"It's been really useful, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately."
-words have no meaning and people make their own standards.
-you do as you see fit in your own mind.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

I believe that American Pie by Don McLean is from a secular humanist perspective.

- God & the Universe
>Music, Whiskey, Rye. Only things that matter.
>The trinity has caught the last train for the coast, as if God has deserted them
- Humanity & Identity
>Since God has left them all they have is the physical world and no savior to redeem them
- Conflict & Suffering
>The music is the only reason to live
>The day the music died is when all hope was lost
- Hope & Redemption
>His hope is in the music
>Others hopes are in the things of the world
- Values & Relationship
>All value is in the music, since the music died years before, and God deserted them, then there is no hope
- Truth & Knowledge
>Truth is the music to him.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paradise Lost

Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less then hee
Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th' Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choyce
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n.

This shows the conflict between Satan and God. Satan believes that its better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. In Heaven there is no chance for Satan to ever become greater than God in his way of thinking. Heaven is His domain where anything He dictates or even thinks comes into being. In Hell Satan has a chance to rise up and gain more power than God. Hell is his domain where the roles are allowed to be reversed by God.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to identify worldview in literature

Mrs. Kirk says:
In order to analyze and discover the worldview behind a work of literature -- fiction, non-fiction, prose, or poetry -- one must consider the controlling force of the setting, the celebrated values of the situation, and the tone of the author toward central religious themes, among other concerns. It is helpful to research the author's life and, if possible, locate a primary source in which the author speaks directly to worldview issues, for instance published journals, letters, essays, interviews, or speech transcripts.